The Time I Fell In love

I want to tell you about the time that I fell in love.

We saw each other across the tumbling floor and just clicked right away. I usually make a lot of stupid jokes and my friends would just roll their eyes but she laughed at every single one of them. After practice, I asked if she wanted to go get some juice and she said yes. We talked for hours and found that we actually have a lot in common so I asked if she wanted to hang out some other time, too. Since we were both athletes, I figured going to the gym together would be cool and plus, I can really use this opportunity to show off and impress her, which actually did not work at all. If anything, it was the opposite. She turns out to be far more fit and stronger than I am. I remember doing like 30 pulls up and telling her she can just do however many she wants and she was like no, 30 is fine. And yeah, she got up and did it without breaking a sweat. The last thing we did was abs and I told her we can just do what she usually does for abs workout. And let me tell you, she drew a crowd because no one understood how that was humanly possible. I actually have a video and wish I could show it but I think she’d rather stay anonymous. I would have loved to hang out some more after working out but I had to work so we went our separate ways. I finished my shift around midnight so I texted her to see if she was still awake and to my surprise, she was! We texted while I walked to her dorm and when I got there, I told her I’m outside and to come out, not really expecting her to actually come out but she did. We lay on the grass, just talking and not sure why but ended up counting the stars. This was western mass so there wasn't that much light pollution so you can really see the stars. After we gave up counting, there was a short moment of silence and I just whispered, “you know that I kinda like you, right?” And she replied, in the softest voice, “I know.” We lay there, in silence for what felt like an eternity before I noticed she was getting sleepy so I said goodbye and went our separate ways again. We didn’t see each other that often during the week as we both were focusing on school but we did go on a few dates. It wasn’t anything special, just casual lunches. But we did plan on going to Big E together. For those who don't know what Big E is, it’s like a country fair. We went around and tried all kinds of food. For a tiny girl, she can really eat. We did a bunch of other things too but the highlight was the Circus and the Ferris Wheel, where I soft-launched her by posting a picture of us together looking behind us at the fairground below us, so you can’t see our faces. It is also the place where we had our first kiss. And actually also second. The first kind of caught her by surprise and to be honest, I was nervous so it was more awkward than romantic. But the second kiss, that was something else. The next date was hiking to the highest point in Massachusetts. Words cannot describe how fit this girl is. She literally ran up the mountain, jumping from rock to rock. I could barely keep up. When we got to the top, we had a little picnic and just enjoyed the view. So at the perfect moment, I got up and asked her if she’d be my girlfriend. And she gave me such a confused look. I got a bit scared, I mean I was nervous but now I’m actually scared. And she said, “I thought I already am” and I just laughed so hard.