February 19, 2019

New Blog Series

Okay so I'm going to start with an announcement: I'm starting a new blog series. It's going to follow my new project that I will call Antz. It's basically my attempt to modernize, microservice-ize, and Docker-rize the AIChallenge.org that I participated back in 2011. I was only a sophomore in high school at that time so I didn't know much but now that I do, I wanted to try again. Unfortunately, they haven't had any new challenge since then. Fortunately, the project is open source so anyone can host it again. It is however, quite outdated and I'm unsure how scalable and optimize it is. I'm still somewhat unsure on what I'm doing but I will try anyway. The goal is to convert the php into Node.js and maybe look for a different database while running the whole thing in a scalable Docker containers.

I've attempted to fork the original project and had some trouble so I'm going to consider starting a new repository and slowly move stuff over. That way, I'll learn more about the original project without starting from scratch because they have done a lot of good work already.

But yeah, this is just an announcement so I'll keep it short. The next few posts will be about my plan and my thoughts as I explore the original projects. I hope to start new project sometime next month and have a baseline ready in May. That's it for now, a more concrete road map will be reveal as soon as I come up with it.